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Eggs & Butter Exhibition 2021
GlÓr Arts Centre, Ennis, Co Clare
Curated by Moran Been-Noon
2 channel video installation, salt dough stone sculptures, salt dough skin fragments, performance with flour and tights n collaboration with Rachel MacManus.
The Cairn is fat on the sounds of our keening
quiet and considerate is the gatekeeper.
Whose shadow shields this place.
Here, we accept our Guardians to be Heroes.
Here, we embrace them.
And their minding.
Their legacy is born from our loss.
Buried in our grief, we dig out their relics
So they too can feel the warmth of the sun.
In these small gestures we can transcend
the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Through it we inherit great treasures,
we do not grudge them.
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